2024 Word Horoscopes: A Lexical Exploration Of The Zodiac This Year

A new year means new opportunities, adventures, and frontiers on the horizon. Astrological signs are a fun way to make predictions about what the future may hold or, at least, what we might expect! This article draws from three sources—Cafe Astrology, Elle (with predictions made by the AstroTwins), and Hermes Astrology. All predictions should be taken as entertainment. 

Here are 12 key words, one for each sign of the western zodiac, to take a peek at what 2024 could have in store for you.

✨ Take an astrological tour of the cosmos with our explainer article about all the signs of the zodiac and their key characteristics.

Aries: Abundance

Aries can expect an abundance, meaning “extremely plentiful or over-sufficient quantity or supply,” of opportunities in the new year ahead! This excess of supply can range from a surge in romantic energy to broadening one’s horizons with travel or new hobbies to opportunities to make long-term investments and attract more money. Self-care is important at this time, so it’s cautioned that Aries signs maintain a healthy work-life balance in order to make the most of their abundant opportunities. 

First recorded in Middle English in the 1300s, abundance comes from the Latin word abundāre, “to abound.” 

Taurus: Transformative

Typically known as the most steady-going of the zodiac signs, Taurus will be surprised by a transformative year. Transformative is something “causing a radical and typically positive change in outlook, character, form, or condition.” For people born under the Taurus sign, these big changes can be a lifestyle change, such as living in a completely new location or quitting an addiction, or leaping at a new entrepreneurial venture. Either way, the Taurus person is coming out of their comfort zone to transform themselves!

Carrying the root word of transform, from Latin trānsfōrmāre, “to change in shape,” transformative was first recorded in the 1600s.

Gemini: Adaptability

Those born under the sign of Gemini are expected to rely on their adaptability in 2024. Adaptability, or “the ability to adjust to different conditions or circumstances,” can refer to the predicted whirlwind of experiences and adventures this year holds for Gemini or also to the ability to make the most of potentially lucrative financial opportunities. This sign’s nature to adjust will be key to success. 

Adaptability is a combination of the words adapt and ability. Adapt is derived from the Latin word adaptāre, meaning “to fit, adjust.” 

What’s your sign? And what’s your sign’s sign? Learn the emoji that represent the 12 signs of the zodiac.

Cancer: Withdrawn

To be withdrawn is to be “removed from circulation, contact, competition.” However, Cancer’s withdrawn nature for 2024 isn’t due to a detrimental reason such as exhaustion or illness; rather, Cancer signs are taking time to work on themselves. These projects can include creative ventures, deep emotional processing, or mapping out new career possibilities. A Cancer sign might think of it like planting seeds for when they are ready to reemerge and burst back on to the scene later in the year. 

Withdrawn (combining with or “away” and draw or “to draw”) as an adjective was first recorded around 1610–20. 

Leo: Prestige

As a noun, prestige refers to “reputation or influence arising from success, achievement, rank, or other favorable attributes.” While Leo signs are regarded as natural leaders, this new year holds opportunities for leadership and the recognition that accompanies it. A Leo’s charisma will be at its peak, so expect passionate romances and daring, potentially lucrative, ventures to unfold. To forge deeper connections with others, Leos would do well also to remember that humility and self-awareness are necessary as well.

The word prestige was first recorded in the 1600s and came from an earlier meaning of “deceits, delusions, juggler’s tricks.” This was from the Latin praestīgiae “juggler’s tricks,” a variant of the verb praestrīgiae.

Virgo: Horizons

While horizon typically refers to “the line or circle that forms the apparent boundary between earth and sky,” another definition of the word is “the limit or range of perception, knowledge, or the like.” These are the abstract horizons that Virgo can expect to expand and even exceed in 2024. With opportunities to travel and increase their learning, Virgo signs will have to abandon their perfectionist inclinations in order to make the most of reaching new horizons. They might be pleasantly surprised by what they find beyond their daily routines!

The word horizon was first recorded in the 1500s and is from the Latin horizōn, which is from the Greek horízōn (kýklos), “bounding (circle).” 

Libra: Mindfulness

Mindfulness is “the state or quality of being mindful or aware of something.” The Libra’s ability to practice and cultivate this ability of being attuned to circumstances around them will no doubt help in navigating the major life pivots predicted for Libras in 2024. Self-reflection, an aspect of practicing mindfulness, and a willingness to collaborate will allow Libras to find opportunities for significant personal development as well.

While the word mindfulness has become more popular within the past 10 years, it was first recorded around 1520. It is the combination of mindful, from the late Middle English word mindeful meaning “to be attentive, aware, or careful,” and the suffix -ness to form an abstract noun.

Scorpio: Introspection

Scorpios are predicted to reinvent themselves this year. However, in order to change yourself, you have to know who you are first. That requires introspection. Introspection is the “observation or examination of one’s own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.; the act of looking within oneself.” While they might not have the rollercoaster forecasts predicted for other signs, Scorpio’s transformation is focused not on their environments but on themselves. Introspection and self-reflection will be the key tools to ensuring the healthiest outcome for their personal growth.

Introspection comes from the Latin word intrōspect(us), “looked within,” from specere, “to see, observe, look.”

Sagittarius: Revitalize

It’s not that this coming year could use a little more “oompf” but rather that Sagittarius is predicted to need more stability and the chance to slow down before really ramping up. And that’s where the word revitalize comes in. Carrying the Latin root word vita, meaning life, to revitalize is “to give new life to” or, in a more abstract sense, “to give new vitality or vigor to.” Those born under Sagittarius may be finding themselves burnt out or coming out of a tailspin from this past year. The new year is a chance to spring back into action, whether for a major career move or developing passion projects. 

Revitalize was first recorded in the 1800s. Here, the prefix re- (“back, again”) combines with the word vitalize (“to give life to”).

What exactly is the difference between astrology and astronomy? The answer is written in the stars (and this explainer).

Capricorn: Advancement 

Whether navigating a promotion at work, financial growth through budgeting, investments, or both, or building a deeper level of trust in a long-term relationship, Capricorn signs will find 2024 to be a year of advancement. Advancement is “the act or process of moving forward.” However, moving forward doesn’t come easily for anyone and always requires a lot of work. Capricorns are advised to balance work with leisure to ensure their overall health and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

First recorded around the 1200s, advancement comes from the Middle English word avauncement. It’s related to the word avant-garde (“unorthodox or daring; radical”).

Aquarius: Innovation

Innovation refers to “something new or different that is introduced” or to “the introduction of new things or methods.” In service to cultivating an innovative mindset, Aquarians should embrace their creative inclinations and seek experiences that stimulate their intellectual curiosity. Since innovation is tied to ideas and being able to communicate them, Aquarians are encouraged to flex their skills for writing, podcasting, or entrepreneurial ventures. 

First recorded around 1540, innovation comes from the Latin innovare (“to change; to renew”).

Pisces: Intuition

Pisces is expected to navigate new emotional depths in 2024. When doing so, trust your intuition. Intuition means “the direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any reasoning process.” Basically, trust your gut feeling. While there might be a lot going on this year, Pisces signs are advised to nurture their social lives, especially with friends and family. Having this strong emotional anchor will allow Pisces people to better listen to their own intuition in the first place.

First recorded in the 1400s from late Middle English, intuition arises from the Latin intueri (“look at, consider”).

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