Pop Culture dictionary

angel number

[ eyn-juhl nuhm-ber ]

What does angel number mean?

An angel number is a number sequence that contains a repeated number series. For example, 777 and 5353 are angel numbers. Some people believe angel numbers have spiritual significance.

Typically, an angel number is from two to four numbers long. It can consist of one number repeating, such as 888 or 377, or a series of repeated numbers, such as 1919.

The significance of angel numbers varies depending on who is discussing them. Many people see angel numbers simply as fun coincidences or cool examples of math. People who practice numerology, a mystical approach to studying numbers, may believe that angel numbers have higher significance, such as being omens of the future. Others may place even more spiritual significance in angel numbers, believing they are signs or messages from spiritual beings.

The idea and name of angel numbers has steadily increased in popularity since the 2000s. In the early 2020s, many mainstream media outlets wrote articles about angel numbers, which further increased awareness of the concept.

Example: I was born on September 9, 1999, which can be written as the angel number 9/9/99.

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Where does angel number come from?

angel number 5353 gold text cloud background

Most sources credit the name angel number to author Doreen Virtue, who wrote about their significance in her 2005 book Angel Numbers. According to Virtue, numbers with repeated digits are used by guardian angels to communicate with people in order to guide them or give them life advice. This is likely why Virtue refers to them as angel numbers.

After Virtue’s 2005 book was released, usage of the term angel numbers steadily increased over the next two decades. On early social media, people who had read Virtue’s books spread the idea of angel numbers.

As time passed, other people wrote about angel numbers on social media and used that name regardless of whether or not they believed them to have spiritual significance.

Examples of angel number

if you’re worrying, ask the universe to send you 222. this angel number is a signal that all is well and you have nothing to worry about.🤍
@iamannapepe, February 21, 2023
While these may appear to be mere coincidences to some, for others these numbers are no accident. Commonly called angel numbers, these repeating numeric sequences are often taken as signs for confirmation and directionality.
Olivia Munson, USA Today, November 6, 2022

Who uses angel number?

The word angel number to refer to repeating numbers is more likely to be used by someone who believes them to have spiritual significance.

The term angel numbers is also used generally to refer to repeated numbers even by people who don’t place significance on them.

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This is not meant to be a formal definition of angel number like most terms we define on Dictionary.com, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of angel number that will help our users expand their word mastery.